Free counselling is available at Tuart Place to anyone who has been in out-of-home care in childhood.
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National Redress Scheme
Tuart Place staff provide a free confidential service for care leavers interested in participating in the NRS.
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Social activities and events
There’s lots happening at the Tuart Place drop-in centre – open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. See our most recent Events Calendar for details
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Support group and life skills
Relaxed, informal support groups run weekly on a Wednesday morning, 10.30am – 12pm.
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Care finder
Our care finder can advise you on your aged care entitlements and assist you to access services
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Records and tracing support
Tuart Place staff will support you in applying for any records about you, which may be held by Government Departments or other ogranisations.
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Coming to the group has helped me understand that I’m not alone and that I and many other children missed out on schooling and belonging to a family. I understand now how this has affected my life and that I wasn’t to blame. I’m starting to mix and communicate with others. My life has improved immensely.
— Tom