Tuart Place is governed by the Board of Forgotten Australians Coming Together (FACT) Inc.

The Board’s membership includes people with lived experience of out-of-home care and members elected for their expertise and professional qualifications in areas such as law, social work, accounting, service management, and academic research.

All Board members are elected as individuals and are valued for their qualifications, skills and life experience.  Board members do not represent the interests of any other organisation with which they may have an association.  Board members contribute their time on a voluntary basis.

Tuart Place is a leader in co-production of trauma-informed support services for Australian care leavers, including the ‘Forgotten Australians’, members of the Stolen Generations, and former child migrants.  Peer leadership is central to our governance structure and service design.

Board Elections

The FACT Board elections occur at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

In accordance with Rule 10 (4) of the Rules of Association of Forgotten Australian Coming Together (FACT) Inc., a nomination process is held prior to the election.  Nominees must be current members of the FACT Inc. Association and be nominated in writing by another member of the Association.

Download a copy of the FACT Rules of Association here

Our Board

John Ryall


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Dale Lynch

Vice Chairperson

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Ross Stagno


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Dr Susan Bailey

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Kevin Collins

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Mark Farmer

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Mia Lanigan

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Ann McVeigh

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Margo O’Byrne

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Cevrina Reed

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Lyn Sherwood

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Dr Jacques Duvenhage

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